Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

190 T H E A "' T E ------------- · .. ofGod ; for God fpeaketh to vs byhisSpirit. Ifthere– fqre tf1at Spirit hath giuen _ thee his tefiimonie , that. -thou art the fonneof God;. ,fit hau·e {hewed thee thy Regeneration, and eaufed chee to behold the true I– ma_geof God chy Father in. thee; frotn henceforth thou ·mayfi fearc and ferue God -without feare; euen with– .out the feare oftotall and fin all deferrion. The fee de . of this Regeneradon,is like the Father ofit ;at-1 irnmor- . tall God, and an imn1ortaU Seede : therefore it cannot· ,Jie, ifonce it hath had life in thee• . Then though the windowes ofthy Soulc be (hut ·vp ,.that no· ligl!t can . fi1ine \ '