Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

( .. ', ' I .I 9:, T H E A R. T £ gainfi all contrary probabi– lities &apparances. There- . -fore .are wee and tnay wee bee alw~1yes bold , amidfi tribulations and affiit1:ions., amidfi t~rrors without, and terrors within: for the feale of God remainetl1 vpon vs. inuiolabJe, and the Lord, . who.knowes who are his, , ha rh told vs tbar wearehis. Now,- that wee may haue rhe comfort of this Tefii· mony ,let vsoftenexamine .our fdues, and fearch our hearts,_ to fee.whether they refemble God, or not; & · let vs lay vpinourmemo– ries, yea in ·memorjaiis, & 1 . re~ords, thewitneffings of' the-Spiritto our Spiri ts, a.. gainft the day of Exercife and'Tryall. Thus ,