Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

0 F HA p p J N E s. 193 c Thus wee fee, that cuen in this Life , wee are not left comfortlefTe, but wee haue both Comforts and a Comforter. Yet wee,fiill fay that our chiefe Com– fort is in the next Life;_yea, the next Life is the chiefe · Comfort of this Life • to thofe whofeeyes fee things inuifible, and make future things prefenr. \!Vherefore amidfi the comforts of this life, let our eyes and hearts beefpecialJy fixed on that, becaufe comforts in this life are but baytings and in.. . couragements 1n our way ~ , vnto Happine!fe, but are not themfe1u~s our wayes end. THE '~-------------!.