~' OF HA pp'fNES. \ 197 - neif~ n1akes vs happy. And euen for this communica· don &application, is there an it1firument giuen vs by him who is our happine"ffe: he that bath ·giuen amouth to thebody, to receitie the . foodof the body, ·haeh giuen a mouth to the foul_e) to receiue the food of the foule. Yea, ~1e hathtaught , vs how to open this .mouth - ·wide,that it may admit and receiue a great fulneffc of I ' happineffe. But ifin flead ' of tel!ing thee how thi~ is . done, ~ I fhould a~~e thee, what thou \v.ouldefr do for .. rhat which is bet~er then all rbings; How canftthou re· turneanyother anfwer, b~t this, Tbat thou wouldcfi ... ' gwe