OF HAPPINEs. wtJc receiueand applyhap– pineife offered in .that God and Man, our mofi bleiTed R.eftorer; firfl, thy vnder– fianding muft bee opened by knowledge; for it mufl know&acknovvledge God inChnfl: to bee that which he is,euen the.bliife of n1an~ kinde, and the meanes to that bliffe. As he is God) fo . 1 hee is Bleffednes: as hee is :Man vnited to God,fo is he Ia Mediator betweene Blef- . 1 fednes and Man.This thou :mufi: know, and thou mufi , ' know that this thy know– !ledge ofbim is true& right. l For, CH R I s T being thus known, the eye ofthe foule is turned from alJ other lhewesandmeanes of hapK pinetle; '