Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

2()0 \ - THE ARTE pinefle; and the fame is fix– ed@nely o~the onely'Lord and S~1uiour. Being. thus fettledjn the .full a(furance ofvnderfianding, thou haft performed a good part of .thy pron1ife, for thou haft giuen thyvnderfianding, e– uen a chiefe part of thy · foule, wholly to C HR 1sT. ·And ~ffurther thou deftreft a figne, to know \.vhetber thou haft done this truelv . " and really; · this·may ferue for a figne vntp thee; lt'the knowledge ofany thing for bappineffe, or the meanes to happindfe, befid~s God in Chtift-, bee vnto thee as dr0ffe and filth, and foo– lithneiTe. Butyet here~ thou maifl notrefi, but thy vn· - ~ · de~ '- J '