0 F HA pp I N E s. 203 nefTe; And finally,with an earnell: hunger .and thirll:, ' let it furrender vp it felfe, and all things fubiecl: to it, vnto his fauing or impar• ting of bleffednes, which . hedothby the Spirit. For thus f:1rre n1uff the 'vil pro; ceede in working, and then only comes the crowne of the worke· For it is not i– nough barely to know that qod is happines>nor toput thy truft: in nootherbut.the Sonne,for rhe imparting of this haRpineife, but thou m·uu alfo furrender- vp thy felfe wholly to the Holy Ghoftsbywhon1 the Father powreth and fealeth blef. , fedneffe i:1to vs through Chrifl: his Sonne. vVhen K ~ .there- ' . /