\ ...... -!' I 204 T H E A R T 'E ' . therefore wee baue propo– fed and fettled the o ·eitie for our happindfe, &haue yeeldedj our felues .vp to the three Perfons of the C1me Deitie vnited to the Hurnanitie, for the con_fer.. ringofhappineffe (I mea ne to God the Father, redee– mingvs by the Sonne, and regenerating vsby theholy Ghofl:)thenhath thevnder· franding and will.wrought hon1e, euen to the enter– taynement ofbleiTedneffe: arid thus knovving God in CbriH,euen to thewelcom... tning .of the Spirit, re!ling ·on him)refigning our felues to him,·weeJi1cke happines from him, \vho is both the , Fountaine.& ·the Conduit ·· of ... '