Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

0 F HA p p I N R s. lOf ---·-------~--- ofhappineiTe.Hauing done this, Iknow not how to in– ioyne thee more , thoqgh happines be infinitly more worth-: for how can Man giue more then . all ~ And ., how can hee receiue more ' then all faluation, and a whole Sa.uiour? But ifthou dofi hot this, thou art fhort · oftbat which thou art able . t.o doe:And Mercy that ac· . cepts the vtmofl: of thy , little power,will not accept · avoluntarydefect & fcant· netTe. N O\V this great de· pendance, fixing, and fur– render of the whole foule to the wholeSauior, is that bleiTed affiance, trufi, and ' beliefe.Famous inholywif– dome for -knitting foules K 4 vnto