/ 206 THE A_R T E -1 . . ---i ' vnto the fame Sauiour.·/' vVhich as it bath beeneap– proued, becaufe it is the I h~ghdl, fullefi, andn1ighti·/ efl: indeuour of the foule; I fo alfo it is iufiified by tbe fitnefT: it hath ofreceiuing, and by the fitnetTe and pro– portionabJenes it hath with , .Chrifls manner of entring. ft is fit to receiue, for the eyeof the foule being fixed in Cbri{l, fia1_1ds as an open window , read te to receiue hint \vhoenters by a Jight– fonte and illutninati-ng Spi_:– rit. The eye of theSpoufe thus inlightned, reflects the . light ro him which fent ir, and with fpirituall glanc~s, il1oores the arrowes ofloue into the heart of her beloued· , ) ' ~--