Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

208 . T H E AR T I! I Chrift: alfo knitteth hill)felf vnto the foule, and this is the knot of happines.Th€n begins that Song ofioy , I ammyWel-beloue(ls, avd my H'el-be!oued u mine. To con.. firme this, we haue alfo di– uers promiks ·' whichhaue told vs, that hee whogiues happineffe, will enter with r ., the gift of happineffe into _ :chis pofture and ,nation ofl rhe foule. GoD himfelfe _ hath prornifed the Seekers to fin<;J,and the Hungrie to - · he filled; and thleSelJersof all for the Treafure of hap- .pinelfe, to be the Buyers of that Treafure, for which, I they fold all. Hee telleth the Vnderftanding, that to knowGod and his Sonne Chrifr., •