OF HAPPINESo .211 wholly deuoted to Chriil: as to the foueraigne Good, . and doe not trufrinhirn a· lone -, as the only giuer of this foueraigne Good,it wil neuer fuffer the fleU1ly na– ture, whiCh hath fo 1nuch delighted it,to be cut off & flaine by the fwor.d ofthe. . Spirit; nor a new indinati· . on to.be infpired into it, by which it fhall be fubiet1: to Lawes and Comtnande– menrs; -and·things fu ture and vnfee.ne,1hal b~ wholly preferredbefore things pre. fent & vifible. But ifChdfi bee knowne, ·willed, and trufled as ourchiefeft good, and the wayvnto it,. then let'him enter circuinci.fing, . r {;utttng, a.nd ll:iyiog; Our j ~ ·----~....---~_h _ c_a_rr_::;_ . ___