Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

ZIZ:. THE As..TE heart is only .on obr happi– nefTe: Hee may doe what he will, fo we may o~raine thelt ble{f,~d obiect of our - 'vnde'dlandings and will~ . Againe , ·our vnion \Vith Chrifl is byafpirituall rnar ~ riage~ Now let vs confider how fuch' a marriage may J . rnofi fitly be made. Surcily, wee mufi: firfl: kriow him to be rhe fairefl ofinen, to be anoynted with the beatifi– call oyle of gladnetTe· and ·happinetTe ,. aboue all his rellowes ;-and then forget .. ; ting our tuhers houfe,euen all·the pleafures of the old AD AM, we mufi:whollyfa- .· ften our hearts 011 him·, and wholly cleauevhtohim, re- . foluin.g to behis alo·tie, and to .· I .