)."" OF HAPPINE~. ats ftopt within our vnderfiandings ; burlet it ptoceede . to our wills and affettions, a,nd r:nake \Vay to the bottotne of our hearts , that Cbrifi may enter iuH as far, euen ro the bottom. For as far as this Faith enters, fo. ·farre Chrifi follo"ves. And ·as Etr as Chrift enters, hap– pindfe followes. There– fore let not tny fc1ith leaue , entring, vntill it·hath made n1~de roon1e inoiJgh for Chrifl: to take vp his full refl: in thee. It feemes that the vndedlanding is but the Porch, but the \Vill at· tended vvith the Affecti– ons, is the chiefe roome of Chrifls refl arid refidente. \vVhen the \vilJ is ~ro feafc>- / - ned,