0 F H A p p J N E s• ,2 I 7 tread on the very bottome ofthy foulea Thou hall: taken vp thy refl: in him, and , hee hath taken vp his reft in thee; and this is the inward Sabbath of this life, and an earnefl & beginning ofthe eternall Sabbath. Accor– dingly, hee calls out vnto Man; My fonne, giue mee thyheart, fori~ thehearts of men is theThrone ofhis Kingdome, andexcept hee raigne in our he~rts ~ wee cannot raigne in his glorie. Thy knowle'dgeof G·od in ChriO: m·uft not bee d~ad, bui effetl:ua~l and working; and theworke thereoftnufl: be the kind ling ofa feruenr loue, dependance and affiI ~nee in thywill and affecH- , ·. ons. - . . . ' .... I - \