OF HAPPINEs. 219 ferueth it: But thy teceit is che receit of the Spirit of Life,& loy etetrnal. Where· fore it concernes th!!e, not to~e niggardly to thyown foule; tor, as muchof thy foule as thou keepefl:, fo much of it thou lofeft; and as much as thou gioefl: , fo much doft thou crowne with happines. Thoumaift , perchance t hinke it inough to beleeue he is thine>bl;lt if thou haue no ·better warraryt then fuch a thought; heemaynot b~~ thine. ·For thou beleeuefi that hee 'is thine too foone, 1fthou beleeuefi it, before this worke of faith bath in fome meaCure wrought home vpon thee.I t isnota rath prefum- . pnon,