Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

I• ' . 2.20 . T H E A R T .E ption, nor a bare thought, · thar can fhatch at Chrifi & make him tbine,it mufi coft thee ·thy felfe before thou haue hi~. The getting of Chrifi is by tbe way oftraf- . fi~e, thou mufi not thinke wholly to gainevponhim; but as much as wee \Votlld haue h_im to bee ours J fo much mufl: \vee firiue to yeeld our fdues to b~e his. CHR 1sT s Kingdome is a Kingdome of. power, and bee will enter into thee 21S a .Kdng o~power; a·nd it is not a bare imagination that ' makes way for ·this ,King.. dome,but anaffiance ofthe heart,'which aclually and effectually furrenders vs vp ' to hi~ Scepter and Rule. · ' There- ,