- ' 2 12 T H E 'A .R .T E deflthy felfe to the renew· ing of his Sp~rit, fo much dofi thou knit Chrill -vnro thee , and fo much thou draweft , ye ~ fuckefi: his Spirit into· the innermon · part ofthy foul e. Hee who is Goodneffe it felfe and dyed for vs, \V hen we were finncrs; cannot refiraine his Spirit from vs ; ·when \Vith a full trufi wee haue . cafl: our felues wholly vpon him, and \Vith a whole re– fignarion hauegiuenvp our felues fully vnto him. Hee who is Loue, cannot refifi loue; but hee is ouercome and taken, by the feruour of our hungrie and rhirfiie foules, & giues vs to drinke ' · freelyof the waters of Life. Chrifi / '.