Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

226 T~E AKTE all hee will giue death vnto finne; n.either will he by his· Spirit giueanyone the Life ofglorie, to whomby the fame Spirit, hee doth not firfl: giue the lifeof Pietie. CHAP. J-J. H~w 4 Man may ·gtl t6ufo· , eultie which vntteth Man to God. mVt Man·is brutifi1 ~11d fenfuall, .both . 1n vnderftandtng& wiH ; and fo it is impoflible I for him, while he is fucb,to difcerne a fpirituall happi· neffe, and the meanes ofat– tayning it; and much more hard it is to efieeme and · louc· I .,