Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

0 F H A p P- l N E s. 2 2 9 __ , _______ , ___ be giuen to thee,inamatter that ~yeth no~ in thee, and which is not effetl:edby ad.. uice, but by fupe:rnaturall operation ? To this I an- 'hvere, That although the power that mull: inli-ghten thee, doth defcend fron1 a– boue, yet vfuaHy it doth com~11unicate it felfe vnto vs by the feruiceofccrt,iine meane~, left with -vs here below. Againe,when grace doth firft breathe vpon V5, it worketh by 'degrees ; · which degrees being by fome neglefted, or mifcon~ firned, it harh bred vnto them a greater difficultie & hardneffe of trauaile in tbe , ., ne\v birth; but beingper– ceiued andduely entercayL ·4 ncd, ,