Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

--------------~--------~ 2 3 2 T H E A R T E -·. . I ' without the maintenance I - df an Omnipotent Lo R o. I Thirdly, doe but confider " w'1:1t this Dot1:!·ine) \vhich is the infirutnent & meanes o( Life, propofeth to thee and requireth of thee. It · propoferh to thee an eter– nal} felicirie, it rcquireth of rhee Piecie and Puritie , thit~gs ofthemfelues de fire .. I ab)~ & excellent. But thou wilt l:ty, that this puritie · will co!l thee deare; for it is fure to cofi: thee all thy fin- I full pleafures, andmaycofi I' thee much paine, .yea thy Iife it felfe. But to this Imav ' anfwere, That though it 111ay coil thee fomething ,. yet vpon the matter ._it lo~ feth thee nothing;for what· ·. foeucr