OF HAPliNEs. foeuer p1eafures of finne· thou canllinioy ,. being io– ioyed, they dye, an9 ··come to nothing : yea life it felfe comes at lafl: to nothing, & that for nothing:fo the con– dition required of thee, Js ondy this, That what lhall be norhing~ ifit,be, may be nothing, bynot being; and to incourage thee herein, thou haft for aduantage an aduenture for Eternitie. In fum·me, thou art required, . at the mo'fr, but to lofe that which w1H bee loft, for an ·hnppineffe, whichmay and .fha11 be found _for euer.Yea · for thefe groffe pleafures,e... uen in·this life, thou ·£halt ·haue ioyes vnfpeakeable. - .Howfocuer, whe~herthou 1. _ re- ·, .