Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

' . THE ArtTE fore let vs be £nre fromac· counting ic a vaine •Nord, for it is our life , aqd the length of our dayes , and _ by it wee re-ceiue eternall Life from the .Ancient of da1es.For, \V hi le it is taught vnto vs wirbout, the Ver– tue a,qd Spirir: of God en– tre th into vs within., ~utd· , makes vs capable of that · happinelfe which is taught vnto vs. Now, the degrees by– which this Spirit vfually - ~workech vpon vs, are thefe. Fidl, it caufeth vs fom·e· whartodifi:erne, & allow the truth of this Word. And next, i ~ mouesade lire of morekno\vl~dge,and of a greatertaficqf the ~vVord , · ... of -------------------------