0 F HA p p J N·E s. 2ztl croifed and conrraryed 1 - ~ wirh their imperfection & iniuHice ? \Vhen hee fe~th his 'creatures byred by fo many inefiitnable benefits, ot~ly todoe him the feruice of Righ reoufr1effe (which is a thing of it felfe -to bee loued) to renounce _their allegeance , ye;1 to rebell a– gainfl: their Creator ~vi rha - _courfe of oppoficion , and to louewickedneffe, more then a bountifull God corn- - manding Righteoufne[e ?· Surely,the wrath oftheAl– mightie mull: needes fmoke againfl: fuch Traytors, and rebellious Ru.nijagates:Ana if the l;J·"» rort , how .ffi,2ll not th( Be.~jls of tl1e Forr-ejb hee tifttud ?, Hence there- · /' - fore ·.-