Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

- 0 .F H Ap p 1 N E s. 243 · this barmonie the Wo·rd was founded , fo by the fame is it frill preferued. But if ·thefe Creatures which , hauc in them a power ofre– fembling·, &pleafing their Maker, .croffe him with a crotfe of contrariead:ions, it muft needes,be expeaed, · that theLord being crolfed .~ .byhis feruants in difobcdi– ence, mufl: alfocroffe the·m in punilbment, and being mightily inraged , beewill returne,.the maliceof their owne workson their owne heads. Nowwe~ know as theper.fon is, his wrath, and as the .wrath is , fo is the punHhment : An infi.. nite perfon , an infinite Wrath, .and an infinite pu· · nHh· '