THE ARTE · nilhment. The very in- . ftint~s. of decayed Nature, h~ue infpired the acknow· ledgement hereof into the . terrifyed hearts of guiltie & felfe-accufing Heath\tns, who not kno\ving God but by the knowledge of na– ture , yet becaufe of their wicked liu-es, vpon-thehea– ring 0f thunder and te111· pefis,haue feared and il1un- . ned the ftirie of an Omni– poten_t Iufiice. But now I , !hall littlene~d to teiJ thee, what experience bath alr~a... dy taught thee. For I doubt not, but to mofi that confi. der the life ofMan ,, it bath :1ppeared that the mayne courfe of humane life, is a connexion or fucceffion.of vn. ·