Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

OF HAPPfNEs: 24) ·- vnrighteoU'fi1effeand wretI chedneffe. Man liuetb as out of the fight of his Ma· kcr, ai1d Man liueth as out .. of _the cheri{hingandfofie- .ring of his !vlaker, being generally thruft: out vnto a / \varreagainft brambles and t bryers, againfi the barren- - neife and fl:arueqneife of a ~curfed earth,which hemull: reGO: and ouer-come "'ith " the fweat of his browes~ Yea, each man eatethother men, though not 'vith the teethof the body, yet with , the ia,ves of a fraudulent ' ouer-reaching and violent foul e. And yet there are fi1rther mifedes ·w~yting vpl>ll Mifchiefe: for befides vifihle and palpabl~exam -- ' · , pJes ... '--·-·