Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

.. -..- ... Tar: AR.TE ples offudden iufiice, exe– cuted,and fentfrom heauen vpon diuers eminent :and outragiouscrit11e.s, wee fee in generall, that this 6nfull life at the beft, is but wife, , _vanitie, pleafant variitie, or gloriousvanitie; and 3t the ,. worft, vexation of fpirit; vexation ofhody ,·Ioffeof goods, and Io·ffe offriends. Yea , Man is but a piec~ of rcafonable tniferie;Hehath reafon to fore-fee miferie, and fo to take it to his hart: w·hen reafon cannot pre-. uent it, reafon to fere-fee death, but not to auoid ir: For as fure as wickednelfe . it prefen.t;fo fure fhal death be prefent; for death-a.nd finne~/ wee fee daily., arein cuery , l