0 F H A-p p '[ N E s • . of the wrath of God. For ). Gods wrath is aWorme& • I a Fire, euer feedingon the tormented foules and bo– : dies of difobedient , \vie– , ked, and finfull men. And nowwhen thou hafi found · thy fe!fe a finner, and fin– deft alfo the terror&wrath , · of God againfi finners, _I lnovv thou canfi not chufe) but thinke ~hy felfe awhile the child of death, and thy efiate fearefuH. Thou w·ilc cry, vVo is Olee~ a man of · forrow,and,V\1 retched man that I am, and call thy bo- ' dy abodyof death. But as I told thee befor~, this ter– ror is but thyw·ay, and not thywayesend. It is but thy entrance into hJppineife, - - l\1 2 yea 249 ' /' blii S!i 3 G I