Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

I ·~ / THE ARTE the \vildefi Bores, euen the fierce£1: Tyrants. The body might bee broken by tor– ments, but this bt·azen \vall of the foule could neuer be battered; it is a kind ofme· tall that is fitted of purpofe _to indure the fire, euen a fi. ry trh1Il, and to bee made . brighter thereby. This fue doth , andhovJ can i11e doe otherwife? for fhe is borne of heauetily Ancefl:ors,and tetcbeth her originall from the J:-iigheil. The po ·\~ef of the mofl: Mightie doth fu .. fiaine her, &ho\V can it be but lhe mull: thf!n be n·dgh– tie and po.\verfulHFor Pari· ence fetcheth her fl:rength and life from Hope, Hope from Faith , FaJth·from . Chrifl,