•. 44~ THE ART E rakes iufi courage and com- - fort from Hope , becaufe Hope t lls her lhee mufi waite but a little, and the promifes fhall certainlyb~e ' receiued. And as Patience by this meanes powerfully .fupporteth, and fuftayneth tbe Soule, and the graces iRfufed into ber, fo is lhee · alfoanexcelleinmeanes for the increafe of the fa~me . graces.Patience i-s thecalme ofthe Soule; and as it is beft (owing ofviftblc.Graine in a time of calme, fo in the– calme ofthe Soule,is it beft fowing ofche Inuifible feeo of the vVord and Spirir. Then can \Vee mofl: truely C1y, My heartisready,.and, Speake,.Lord, for thy Ser· uant --------~~.~~~----~--