Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

uanc is at leifure- to , heare thee and,tbcn with c...Marie; .arewe.moft fil: for th~tthing · which is neceffarie; ,;when . . :by,P"atience we baueexclu– a~d the many things that are.troublefome•.The Spi~ rit delighteth-in ameek-and quiet Spirit, it commeth in . .the fiill wind, andnot in the ll:orme and tempefi.Accor– .dingly experience teacheth vs, that the Patient haue e– uer receiu_ed fpirituall con– folations·: andeuen this ex– perience is a confo1ationtGI ·Patience. For this cxpe· . rience,that the 1oue ofGod is ilied abroad intQ' the . hearts of the patient, fo ,af:·i fefrs the patient, that they' be Dt)t ailiamed.And ifwee·· V _ _s._ _ -.~~l!t~ 449 I