Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

0 F H A_P pINE s. impatience. ·Bis greatefi \ Malice is againft our,grca· , teft Happinetfe; he kno~es · wee are fl:ill bleffed, while God is one with vs, though . we be poorc;naked,and full of fores as .. L i z A .tt v s,-· " who ia thislife tormented, yet wasafter exalted to A– .s RA HA Ms bofome: He va- · luesourchiere Felicitie , at a higher and a truer rate, thenmany ofvs doe, anq hevalues temporall things at a lower rate, thenmany of v·s doe ; Therefore hee ·will indifferently take -or giue tetnporaJl things , to diminia1oureternall ioye~; ~e will atL1y either by prof– fers,or byplagues, todraw vs from our foueraigne Good: 4S7 I