OF HAPPINES. 461 - . -~ thyoutwardman topcrilh, .bee thou carefull that thy ~ inward man' bee.renewed daily; and take heed that thou giue not more to him, then he hath alreadie; efp~- ' cially giue not thy eternitie for his vani,tie, neither giue him an vfurped power o- / uer the Kingdome of Hea- . u·en, to which hee isabafe . fiaue, and bywhiehhe lhall I • be iudged. Caft not to him thy foule after thy bodie, nor thy foule and bodie after thy gooqs; if the Prince ofthis World will haue·the· . things ofthe World, yeeld to this Prince, what muft - needes bee giuen to this Prince : but the things of . GoD, giue only to G.o•. n; . / the . --- .