OF HAPPIN£S. is vnlock.ed to him by im- : patience• . Now troub1~s , &~ffiittions knock at both thefe doores, theyknock at - the.doore of theSpirit,cal– ling to vs to open to the Lord of Life, with the Key of Patience ; \vho is now commingby affiittions, to nurture ., ·and to infirutt vs, euen . to increate vs in the fruits of Righte· – oufneffe. But 'affiitbons· knock likewife at the doore ofthe flell1, and by rhe fee– ling of fmart,perfwade Im.. patience to open to the princeofdarkn-effe,fince fo griefernaybeeafedJ and it feemes a vaine thing to pleafe & ferue an afflicting , and chafiizing God. But X take = : • 1111