Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

o F H A r p I N E s. 46r which n1ay bee aCoatcof proofeto thefoule; thyPa- .tiencem:afl: be tempredand fleeled with Refolution. This Refolution is the Ar– mour ofthy Arm{)ur; euen ·the keeper of thy Patien~e, which is ·the .keeper_ofthy · foule and the Graces he- / flowed vpon it. For hereby wee are cotlftantly pre.. pared to indureall thecrof– fes and troubles of this tranfitorie race ofmiferie: And this R.efolution tobe good, mull alfo iffue from faith' th~t fees G0 D our .· fclicitie, who otherwife is inuHible,and from hope,by _ .which filture bletfedne£fe, though abfent, yet affured,. yeelds vs comfort aboue X 2 all · r