Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

'\ - OF HAr .PINEs. 25 1 money, and fiir.s vp theaffection in fuch a vehemencie towards it , that pof. feffion cloth inflame the de- ' fire , and not fatisfie it. , ·Nowwhat can giue reft to fuch a miferable Soule? when obtayning , which in other things giues fome (though lliort) fatisfaction> yet to thisman it giuesnew appetite , farther moti?n , _ &a longer bufines?Y't this aboundance thus brought forth by the Mid-wiferie oftormen,tandperplexitie, many times fiyes away like an Eagle by the following generations, Folly or Lu·x.. urie; and this certainly is a great vanity and wretched– neife of riches, that they are (