/ { 468 ' T H E AR T E • / ~- - ' all vanilhing miferies.Thus the Souldier of'God, war- ( faring againft the Enemies of his heauenly Countrie, flands inuincible againft thegatesof Hell, and him- . felfe being wounded or flaine, yet hisPatience, and ·confequendy his foule )s C:1fe and aliue. But if thou haft not this R.efolution ftil ready ait band, thou art im– patient,- as foone as thou feel eft a blow, &thou muft needs run away; for thou did fl: heuer refoluc'" to fight. Thou hafr net made rhy coputation what theKing– dome of He~uen will cofi thee, orat leafi when thou· faweft the reckoning, thou . diddeft not refolue to bee a - the