OF HArPINEs. -----·...·-------1 be troubled-in the midfi of our Con:templations, ·and. Refolutions, we !hall after · rnany proteftations deny him with PET ER.;; all thefe . helps will helpe vs nomore ·. then the Law did the IeWt$, without the{trongH-elper. For ~uen ChriH himfelfe,hy the power of God~endured . thewra.thof God , andby being G o o, defpifed the ~lhame impofed for .the fins ofmen. TheGJory propo· . fed comforted him,. but by the Comforter ; &theSpi · · rit which hee -had, not by m.eafure, did . aboue mea– fure quicken him with the . f~ht of th<?fe ioyes.Vvhere· fore let vs efpec!allybyear– nefi Prayer, refort to our X: 4 chiefe .· .. 47~