. . 47l THE A R. T E . chiefe and only firength, · without whon1 no·tnan !hal bee firong in his owue fl:rength. Let vs feeke of God that power, by which P A v L being ftrengthened, was able to doe all thin'gs, Let vspat ol}r trufl i» Goda– lone' and with DA V ID call himourRfJckc, fJJIY Forlr1(e, tJIJY Shie/tJ> 411d Ptl_r j/rength. · 'Neare but Dwarfes to Sa– tan; and hce that is.in the World, is t1rregreater then we. But ifGod be in vs, ·hee is farregreater then hethat is in the \Vorld; and he can maKeour w·eaknefT! toex· ceed Satans firength.Ther.. fore dtfclaymihg the kee– ping of out felues, _let vs commit our fclues toGoo, trufl:..: \ ~- .~-.......-~----·-- ---