Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

474, T H , E A~R T E ,old. i\nd ifwe Gin oncefay, .The Lord gJrdeth mee with· Jlrfng_th to the. .batteD, wee · jmaya!fofay, 7'hofttlJ4trifo·· .agaifJjl vs,jhalt thou[ubd11u .vndervs. Le~ Principalitie.s: ,&Po\vers mufl:ervpthingsi .prefenr.,and'things to~come,. ,height,_ and depth, lifeand· .death, yet in alJ thefe Lball wee be mor-e then Conque· rour.s, through-him that lo– .uethand.fuftainethvs. Our~· · :Patience-and ourRefolutJ-. .on are grounded ~pon the; Rock-e of Omnipotence;_ though the win·des.blow,&~ the flo~ds beat,,tbey Lhalt ftand,fortheyaregrounded~- ~ .on aRocke, and while Pa– tience. flandetl~, the Soule. . flourilh~th; wh(reGo a ftetb . '· PA· /