Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

PAtience, hefeeth alfo thJt the' work~s. 4rt more atlaft,then at· th~ jirjl;.for that, andthat a- . loHe, i4· a good 1111J ftuitfa/1 grDund, wkt&h.htirJgtthforth . fruit withPAtie11ce. C.HAP• x r: of the ftnaU !'lfejfton 11nd . fttJilion1[Happinef!u. DHis World, though - ~ ofit Celfe,it.bevnt~ Man,hut·Mifery,or Vanity,yet by the.Mercy of the Creator,it is .made vnto . Man a.Nur.G:rjt • Hap-. . 47S ) . . pineffe~ For the Creatour hariingloft his Creation, re• c·ouere.d7it by,R.edemption.· And by this Redemption, .; · the . - / t 5. 5 2 QASI#IWti W P 4 )QC 1 - . ' j I