Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

And how can the Creature comprehend the Creatour,.. efpecially,. fince wee haue · hereonlya little glimpfe of - Fait~. , whereby to behold him?· Againe-,.-it is a fpiri– tuall Marriage, andweeare here more carnaJJ ·rhenfpi· ritu~ll;, fo thetabernacleof corruptibJe. lleUt~: , d;oth~ mucbocl-oudand darken the Spirit, in thevie\\' of incor– ruptibleioyes. Yetare.wee'– not left here wholly -ig-no.. rant ofchat, _whichhere we cannot whollyknow; but hee who is our Happinelfe, bath£he:wed ,fome fparkles ofthat which be is, &·harh deliuered it to vs, in this - World of igt1orance., by ·: fom·epalpableexpreffions, - ' fit- -