' TiiE AR.Tl! Power can be difpofed,.but at tbe wiU or permiliionof cae Giuer, and fo it is ftiU fubi~Cl; to his reach and , com-prehen fion • Accor.. dingly,God , the Infinite ! caufe of all thefe finite l - things, fully fearcheth a.nd /. _ comprehendeth his o:wne j Creatio_n, y-ea,euerych~nge. l and ~vanette tbereof,netther 1 can any thing in the World efcape his knowledge·~ whofe knowledge is the very Fouotaine of all thofe ·. changeswhich wou.ldleem to efcapeit. Wherforeifwe will allow a Wifdome wi.fe I enough tocreate, wee muft 1 alfo allowa \Vifdomewife i enough to know, and, to mafter .in knowledge the . things