·God bath not made the World to no\purpofe, nei· ther bath hee cafi out from 1 him fo reat aCrea~ion,as a thing-contetnned and neg– letlecl. Hee hathnot beene wife in an excellent Crea· tion to no end; he l1ath not , fet Manhere as awild beaft 1 of the.Forreft, only to run after his lufis,neithe.rfeeing his Maker,norfeeneofhim. ) The SouleofMan had in it rhe power ' ofa reafonab1e . feruice; it cpuld fee, and kno~, and pleafe his Crea– tour.Ana·Nature hath tru- . ly ,difcouered, that Go n .makes nothing for nothing. Therefore the Sou le \\Tith ;her Subietl theJ3ody,mu:fi:: ,:come and fiand at the Barre 1 ofl