Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

OF HAPPINES. 485 of lodgement, to beetryed byher workes , whether in theBody lhee hath pleafed .I ( him that formedher. And though many vagabon~ foules haue run from thei.r, ·Maker, ancl haue indeuoured to put therpfelues -out .of his feruice &command; yet he will not lofe his pro.. perty in them;they mayfly from his Obedience , but r.JI> 1 neuer from his-Power, Iuftice., and Vengeancei they • {hall be forced to feru~ him, who is' the end of all his Creatures,by the fufferings ofluftice, who would not ferue him in the R.ighteout: neffe of Mercie. Accordinglyin this great Dayof Trial,,their_ appearance lhal · be L