Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

be in the vglinelfe of G·ods defac-ed Image;, their blind, ~ foule and leprous foultS ·lhalJ app_eare in aperfett, & naked defortllednefi'e ;,and their many fins lhall come . againetovHit them,~ lhall fiand before them,as fo ma– ny vnnaturall -accufers ' of them thathegat them. The pleafi1re that on·ceencoura· ged to the commiffion of t'bem,lhall now be firippcd from them, and finnes lhall , then ·app-care only finfi111 1 . filthv,and detellabJe. And , fo bythe~, itnners being lothfomeeo the Godofpu-– reft Eyes, they lhall becar.. ryedfrom the Eyes whom theyoffend ; yea, theEyes - of Mercie and Glorie {hall be