Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

' 0 F H A p p [ N E s. 487 beJhut vp from them. But on the cQntrarie fide, the Eyes qf'~r'Vrath and Iuftice · .{hall fparkleout fireagainfi -r hem,and this fire il1al feize and feed on theirSinfulnest , · for fiAne vnto Iufl:ice, is as - fuell vnto fire.Burne it lhall toreuer, in a tormenting, but not a confu.ming flame; le lliall haue the agony~nd - vexation, but not the con– fumption and abolition af fire; for~ -the torment mtdl be like the wrath; the wrath ofan eternafl God, and the torment of an eternall fire. Thus blinde and darke to· · wa·rd theGodofComfort, and theComforts of God, they lhall bee open-lighted _ tow~ard their owne Guilt, Hor-