Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

OF H 'ArPINEs~ 489 might haue beene their felicitie, but was neglected, fhall now, becaufe ·~_eglec- .ted , become theirmifery; their Habitation {hall bee the blackneffe ofdarknes, :a.nd their buGneife !hall be eternall anguiil1 , vexation, ancJ gnafbing.ofteeth. But the bleffed fonnes and feruants of the Hirgheft God,who haue fet their refi on thejr Creatout,and haue made hin1 the end of thei1 being, and the meanes to the end , euen ' a God to , .rule, aSauiour to redeeme, and a happineife to bleffe; thefe arife with the Image ofGod in theirfore-heads; God feeth his face, in the face oftheir foules, & their Y workes '\ . ... ' .•