Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

490 T H E A R. T E \vorkes alfo tefii.fie the fame forthem.Thefe areclothed withpure \rVhite;theRigh· teoufne!fe of Chrifi,and the Righteoufneffe of the Spi– rit; _with the firfi, the Iu– fl:ice of Go o is fatisfied·; vvit]l the lafr, the Mercie of God is pie~fed; andby the lafl:, the firfi is adiudgecl to them. Theyhaue fed , clo– thedandvifired Chrift, in his hungry) naked,and im– priloned member_s ; thefe '\VOrkes are the fruits of Loue, and Loue is the fruit of Sanctification, andSan– Cl:ificatiori is an infeparable companioo, condition, and · witnefreof Iuftification.So by the works of Loue,tbey are prQued and approued r to